A Cross Between a Squat and a Plié

Another day in the garden, and my thighs are killing me as I seem to have adopted a strange cross between a squat and a plié while doing the weeding — this is not one of the photos I’m afraid.

There were loads of strange grass like weeds in one of my borders.  I have no idea what they were, but they appeared to have sprouted from little bulbs.  You can see some of them in the photo below, next to the mini daffodils.  I got many of them out by the roots, but it took ages digging between the bulbs.  Hopefully, they won’t come back and I won’t have to do that again.

I have also planted some chopped up, sprouting potatoes from my kitchen cupboard. I don’t know if they’ll grow, but my mum told me my Grandad used to do that.  After the work I put in last year clearing all the weeds, I now really enjoy seeing freshly dug, cleared soil in the garden.  Here’s a photo of soil that I’m hoping will become my potato patch, for your enjoyment.

My garlic is growing well too.  My mixed salad leaves have germinated and look very cute if I do say so myself.  Also, peacock butterfly! 😀

And does anyone know what the shrub in these last photos is?

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