My Seeds Are Growing

Yay! My tomato and lavender seeds are finally starting to germinate inside their makeshift propagators in the potting shed.  No sign of my basil, strawberries or aubergines, but I’m not giving up on them yet.  I was getting worried that nothing would grow in the shed, then some googling gave me the idea of sticking them inside some plastic bags, to hold in the moisture and warmth.

The mixed salad leaves and my garlic are coming along well too.

I’ve just noticed some sunny yellow tulips too, and the buddleia I severely cut back is definitely regrowing. There’s lots of greenery coming from the woody stems already.  I think the spinach I planted last October might be growing too. I had given up on that, since I’d planted it late, but it looks like the seeds were just waiting in the soil for the weather to warm up.

And here’s my rockery for which I can take no credit — it’s exactly as the previous owners left it, except for Jez’s removal of invading dandelions.